The Movement Paradigm: Movement as the bridge to performance08-2

Course Description
This is a two day course including both lecture and lab that will focus on a scientific and systematic approach encompassing movement indicators to establish a baseline, appropriate corrective strategies, and sound movement-based treatments that will contribute to successful, pain-free, and functional outcomes.  Although decreased pain is usually a common indicator for healing, it is, in fact, an incomplete outcome measure. Often, patients continue to exhibit movement dysfunction at the time of discharge and are at risk for further injury when returning back to life and sport.  Addressing the dysfunctional movement at their root in the motor control center, where the patterns are stored, will be the emphasis of this course so that we can truly enhance motor learning and optimize patient outcomes.


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Course Schedule

Course Objectives

  1. Discuss the role of neurodevelopment and primal reflexes in optimal movement
  2. Conduct a comprehensive, evidence-based global movement examination
  3. Demonstrate application of specific movement-based treatment interventions
  4. Understand and apply current evidence of regional interdependence into the overall management of movement dysfunction
  5. Learn corrective strategies to enhance motor learning and optimize the nervous system for complete functional restoration and performance.

13 Contact Hours

Additional Information

  • Appropriate lab attire is recommended such as gym pants, shorts, t-shirt, and sports bra for women.
  • Kinetic Seminars will provide beverages including coffee breaks. Lunch will not be provided.
  • Please see our website for hotel accommodations.

Dr. Arianne Missimer, PT, DPT, RD, CSCS
Human Movement Specialist
Twitter: @DrArianneMKPT